February 06, 2025
"Pegasus" gilt als einer der größten Überwachungsskandale unserer Zeit. Digitale Überwachung ist eine Gefahr - aber unausweichlich. Zu dieser Schlussfolgerung kommt Christopher Nehring in seiner Analyse.
Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram -- reputed to be an unhackable messaging app and having over half a billion users -- was targeted for potential surveillance in the Pegasus spyware case, reports The Guardian.  
The classic ransom is a suitcase full of unmarked U.S. dollar bills. Bitcoin’s role in the Colonial Pipeline hack shows the global currency of crime has a rival. That’s a sort of sign of bitcoin’s success, but it also sets the scene for regulators to step up their interventions.
We tweet, we like, and we share— but what are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? As digital platforms increasingly become a lifeline to stay connected, Silicon Valley insiders reveal how social media is reprogramming civilization by exposing what’s hiding on the other side of your screen.
The personal data of more than half a billion Facebook Inc. users reemerged online for free on Saturday, a reminder of the company’s ability to collect mountains of information and its struggles to protect these sensitive assets.
We want the Government to commit to not rolling out any e-vaccination status/immunity passport to the British public. Such passports could be used to restrict the rights of people who have refused a Covid-19 vaccine, which would be unacceptable.
How can we summarise the Covid year from a broad historical perspective? Many people believe that the terrible toll coronavirus has taken demonstrates humanity’s helplessness in the face of nature’s might. In fact, 2020 has shown that humanity is far from helpless. Epidemics are no longer uncontrollable forces of nature. Science has turned them into a manageable challenge.
Should those who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus be granted free travel or access to restaurants and cinemas? A debate on these issues is raging in Germany, with its ethics council weighing in.
The chancellor reiterated that vaccination would not be mandatory. "But the time will come when many will have the opportunity to do so, and if then some do not want to, 'there may have to be a separation and we say: whoever does not want to, will not be able to do specific things,'" he said. characteristics, without, however, giving specific examples.