The 'ID-on't renounce my freedom' website contains articles and news related to the growing threat to our personal freedom and privacy.
All Russian schools will soon be equipped with face-recognition cameras, with the stated aim of protecting the safety of children by tracking a child’s comings and goings in school, as well as by identifying visitors.
Although online voting in elections has been a contentious topic for decades already, it is during the current pandemic that it has seen significant more attention. Along with mail-based voting, it can be a crucial tool in keeping the world’s democratic nations running smoothly. This is where the OmniBallot software, produced by Democracy Live, comes into play, and its unfortunate unsuitability for this goal.
'Unless you're able to record some of this data in a way that people can use it's going to be difficult to go back to anything like a near normal in things like transport,' said Tony Blair.
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