The 'ID-on't renounce my freedom' website contains articles and news related to the growing threat to our personal freedom and privacy.
NKARA, Turkey — A privately owned Turkish company says it has developed an artificial intelligence-based software for swarm drones.
Who would have thought we’d be seeing AI (Artificial Intelligence) robots on chat shows in 2018! We also saw Sophia, a robot created by Hanson robotics being granted a Saudi Arabian citizenship.
More AI supervision, better transparency about privacy and stronger accountability measures are among the issues members of Protocol's Braintrust say need to be addressed.
The conversation on banning certain uses of artificial intelligence (AI) is back on the legislative agenda. The European Commission’s public consultation closed recently, leaving the EU to grapple with what the public think about AI regulation, write Nani Jansen Reventlow and Sarah Chander.
The ones are coming bathrooms «smart-toilets», Which will analyze the composition of urine and feces, and will help control of health your!
Tony Blair has called for governments around the world to give each resident a digital identity to enable the resumption of normal activity and ensure retraining for citizens to promote economic recovery.
The Pentagon is adopting new ethical principles as it prepares to accelerate its use of artificial intelligence technology on the battlefield.
3 billion photos - 1 database for sale to anyone interested - 1 artificial intelligence application - 2.200 police authorities and private companies in 27 countries around the world with access
Plus, A.I. that detects drowsy drivers, algorithmic artists, and more A.I. news from the week
A growing number of classrooms in China are equipped with artificial-intelligence cameras and brain-wave trackers. While many parents and teachers see them as tools to improve grades, they’ve become some children’s worst nightmare.
As you may have already realized, there are numerous discussions taking place about the ethics of artificial intelligence - in governmental forums, in the industry, in academia and in the media.
No one seems to be able to figure out if what Clearview AI is doing is legal, a quandary that has exposed the messy patchwork of laws that allow exploitation of people’s personal data to profligate.
Fear that the impact of militarised artificial intelligence (AI) on war and international relations could be more deadly than the nuclear arms race is both an exaggeration and an underestimation of the threat this represents.
Israeli writer Yuval Harari claims that the world is in the middle of an artificial intelligence war led by the USA and China. According to Harari, countries that cannot keep up with the race will either go bankrupt or become colonial.
Meet the xenobots: Tiny living robots have been created using cells taken from frog embryos. Each so-called xenobot is less than a millimeter across, but one can propel itself through water using two stumpy limbs, while another has a kind of pouch that it could use to carry a small load.
Google chief Sundar Pichai has called for ‘international alignment’ and ‘an agreement on core values’ in the future regulation of Artificial Intelligence. But positions of the EU and the US on the issue diverge, following the recent leak of European Commission papers detailing a crackdown on facial recognition technologies.
Discussions on the negative impact of Artificial Intelligence in society include horror stories plucked from either China’s high-tech surveillance state and its use of the controversial social credit system, or from the US and its use of recidivism algorithms and predictive policing.
SpaceX has a plan to launch 42,000 Starlink satellites into orbit, but the first 120 are already blocking astronomers' view of space
The US administration has urged European lawmakers to avoid heavy regulation frameworks in the future rollout of Artificial Intelligence technologies on the continent. The call comes ahead of the European Commission’s planned presentation of its AI strategy, set to be announced early this year.
The results aren’t perfect, but you can sort of hear how Google’s translator was able to retain the voice and tone of the original speaker. It can do this because it converts audio input directly to audio output without any intermediary steps. In contrast, traditional translational systems convert audio into text, translate the text, and then resynthesize the audio, losing the characteristics of the original voice along the way.The new system, dubbed the Translatotron, has three components, all of which look at the speaker’s audio spectrogram—a visual snapshot of the frequencies used when the sound is playing, often called a voiceprint. The first component uses a neural network trained to map the audio spectrogram in the input language to the audio spectrogram in the output language. The second converts the spectrogram into an audio wave that can be played. The third component can then layer the original speaker’s vocal characteristics back into the final audio output.
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