The 'ID-on't renounce my freedom' website contains articles and news related to the growing threat to our personal freedom and privacy.
According to a statement from the University of Tennessee Hospital, one infringement has affected about 235.000 people.
Cybersecurity professionals are concerned that they are being targeted by various state-funded hackers.
A tool which monitors the spread of COVID-19, which was built by its state government Uttar Pradesh, personally reported data about 8 million Indian citizens.
Prosecutors believe the woman died from delayed treatment after hackers attacked a hospital’s computers. It could be the first fatality from a ransomware attack.
Over the years, more and more advanced cyber threats appear. Many times state hackers do cyber attacks, with the ultimate goal of gaining their countries. But where do they focus more on their attacks? Now, government hackers are focusing more on stealing credentials than stealing money. But why is this happening?
A security specialist, the Stacy Arruda, gave an interview about one of the biggest threats in cyberspace, the ransomware.
The Greek Navy has been hacked by Iranian hackers Researchers security IBM recently discovered leaked videos will, with hackers showing the techniques they use to hack accounts and systems their potential victims.
A new system uses software to dictate quarantines — and appears to send personal data to police, in a troubling precedent for automated social control.
3somes, Gay Daddy Bear, and Herpes Dating are among the nine services that leaked the data of hundreds of thousands of users.
Privacy concerns remain largely unaddressed in proposed Chinese facial recognition standards.
Police in York and Peel regions are in the process of buying the technology, which has been shown to be racially biased.
Η Google, Facebook and Twitter stop processing data requests from Hong Kong government as they reconsider a new law on safety entered into force on 1 July. Google has stopped all processing activities data just came into force last Wednesday.
Antivirus applications violate privacy by recording more data than they need, putting users at risk.
In a major U-turn, the UK is ditching the way its current coronavirus-tracing app works and shifting to a model based on technology provided by Apple and Google.
The police in China are collecting blood samples from men and boys from across the country to build a genetic map of its roughly 700 million males, giving the authorities a powerful new tool for their emerging high-tech surveillance state.
PWC is under fire for developing a facial recognition tool for City firms to monitor home-working staff when they are away from their computer screens.
A new report by IE University’s Center for the Governance of Change (CGC) highlights profound shifts in European sentiments to technological change, particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. To discuss the findings, a live webinar was held on June 1st which included a panel of experts and research contributors.
A new Covid-19 detection tool has appeared in the device settings Android and iOS as part of an update of their operating systems.
After the ACLU said a community college in Michigan was violating its students’ First Amendment rights, the school partially relented.
Washington (CNN)The largest theft of data in CIA history happened because a specialized unit within the agency was so focused on building cyber weapons that an employee took advantage of "woefully lax" security and gave secret hacking tools to WikiLeaks, according to an internal report released on Tuesday.